Sign Up for an orientation
In order to make use of the darkroom, all new members are required to attend a free orientation. Please sign up for one of the times listed here. If you cannot make one of the orientations, then please reach out to THP at info@thehalideproject.org or leave us a voicemail at 484-534-8833.
Every orientation lasts up to 1 hour and will cover the darkroom policies, community agreement, and a bit about the history and mission of THP. Once completing an orientation, you will then be able to either sign up for an appointment to use the darkroom or directed towards a workshop or tutorial.
We are dedicated to making the facilities as financially accessible as possible. After completing a New Member Orientation, Darkroom Members can access the space on an hourly sliding scale and fixed monthly cost.
Membership- $15 a Month
Hourly rate- $12 Suggested, $5 Minimum
Darkroom typically open 7 days a week.