THE 20/20 PHOTO FESTIVAL Presents:
free demo days

Visit Halide on September 24th & 25th! No cost! Just show up and have fun!

Image by Sandra C. Davis


Join The 20/20 Photo Festival at The Halide Project on September 24th and 25th! See artists in action and learn more about their craft or process. This is a casual event, so no pre-registration is needed. Just bring your curiosity!


CYANOTYPE 11am - 1pm (darkroom)
with Laurie Beck Peterson
To celebrate World Cyanotype Day, we will be demonstrating cyanotype printing methods on paper and wood using objects and negatives. Weather permitting these exposures will happen both inside the darkroom and outside in the sunlight.

PINHOLE CAMERAS 11am - 1pm (classroom)
with Heather Palecek
Heather Palecek will be demonstrating how to make a pinhole camera out of a vintage tin and assisting attendees in the creation of their own camera to take home and use.

GUM BICHROMATE 2pm - 4pm (darkroom)
with Sandra Davis
You may have seen botanicals contact-printed to make cyanotype gardens. Contact printing in gum bichromate can be just as fun, more colorful, and with faster results. Watercolor pigments are mixed with light sensitive dichromate allowing you to print in any color. Gum bichromate and cyanotype can be used to create several layers and add depth the images.

TBD 2pm - 4pm (classroom)


TBD 11am - 1pm (darkroom)

BOOK MAKING 11am - 1pm (classroom)

Sandra will demonstrate how to make simple book structures that could be used to incorporate photographic imagery and convert two-dimensional works into three-dimensional ones. She will show you how to make accordion bindings and one signature pages as a starting point to make entire books.

WET PLATE COLLODION 2pm - 4pm (darkroom)
with Maurene Cooper
Join local photographer Maurene Cooper as she demonstrates the wet plate collodion process, best known for its use documenting Civil War Battlefields. Referred to as the “Polaroid of the 19th Century” because of its immediacy, the wet plate process liberated photographers from the studio and metropolitan hubs, allowing greater access to portraiture than had previously existed.

ANTHOTYPES 2pm - 4pm (classroom)
with Anne Eder
Anthotypes are a nineteenth century process discovered by Sir John Herschel. The innate light sensitivity of plants is harnessed to produce photographic images that do not require any sort of chemical development or a traditional darkroom. It is a very romantic and delicately nuanced process, and images may be rendered in a range of pastel or vibrant colors. The methods of extracting and coating plant emulsions onto watercolor papers will be demonstrated, as well as how to set up, expose, and assess exposures.