The Halide Project Darkroom Technical Self Evaluation

This tool is made to be used as a guide for folks who are unsure as to whether they may need either a refresher or a more intensive class or workshop prior to working independently in the darkroom space. 

  • If you have not used the equipment you intend to sign up for in the past five years then you are required to sign up for a refresher course.

  • If you have no prior darkroom experience, you are required to take a class or workshop before signing up. 

How to score yourself:

  • Above 20 = good to go, we’re on hand to help answer basic questions and learn the do’s and don’t at orientation and then ready to go. 

  • Below 20 = we recommend taking a refresher

  • Below 12 = take a 1 on 1 full extended class before using the darkroom

Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 from least to most comfortable with least being 1 and 5 being most comfortable. 

    1. I feel comfortable loading film onto reels (either plastic or metal).

    2. I understand all the steps involved in mixing and diluting chemistry, including developer, stop, fix, and hypo clearing agent.

    3. I am knowledgeable about or know where to find my own processing time and temp info for different combinations of chemistry and film.

    4. I feel comfortable sharing the space with other lab users who are developing film

    5. I feel confident cleaning up after myself (including mixing and measuring tools, reels, and tanks, etc.)

    6. How many years experience developing film (5=5 or more, 1= 1 or never)

    1. I feel comfortable working with an Omega and/or Beseler condenser enlarger.

    2. I know how to set up an enlarger station (lens, filters, adjust height, focus, easel, timer).

    3. I feel comfortable with the entire process of making a print from test strip to final print.

    4. I understand what it means to be responsible in the space including (give yourself one point per item):

      1. Proper tong and chemical tray etiquette

      2. Moving through the space without bumping into someone

      3. Overhead light and cell phone etiquette

      4. Drip tray and revolving door etiquette

      5. Print wash etiquette

    5. I feel well versed in the different types of darkroom paper and processing schemes.

    6. How many years experience working in a darkroom (5=5 or more, 1= 1 or never).

    1. I understand all the steps involved in mixing and diluting chemistry, including sensitizer, emulsion, developer, stop, fix, and hypo clearing agent.

    2. I feel confident using a brush or puddle pusher to coat paper with photographic emulsion.

    3. I feel comfortable with using an exposure unit, contact frames, and digital negatives.

    4. I am confident in using a shared coating table, exposure unit, and drying screens.

    5. I feel confident cleaning up after myself (including mixing and measuring tools, brushes, and trays, etc.)

    6. How many years experience making prints (5=5 or more, 1= 1 or never)


Congrats on using our Self Evaluation tool! If you’re ready, go ahead and sign up for an appointment.

If you may need a bit more help before using the space by yourself then reach out to us below.

Contact us About a Refresher or Class