SILVER CANVAS: Exploring cameraless photography
Instructor: Anne Eder
Thursday evenings 6 :30– 8:30pm, January 10th – 31st
WEEK ONE: Basics of lumen printing. We will cover working with both objects and transparencies to create colorful images using fresh or expired black and white papers.
Materials needed:
Black and white (or color) photographic paper.
Existing analog or digital negatives or transparency material for creating digital negatives such as Pictorico. For participants who do not have Photoshop, there are free apps that are very similar that may be used. Waxed paper or thin vellum negatives may also be used.
A variety of materials for creating photograms.
Glass and clips or contact frame.
WEEK TWO: Phytograms. Creating images on fresh or expired roll or sheet film without using a camera. In this class you will a learn to make your own film developer which will also be used in Week 3.
Materials needed:
Fresh or expired roll or sheet film.
Glass and clips
Plant material
For making the developer--- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), washing soda, plants, or instant coffee
Coarse salt or photographic fixer
WEEK THREE: Cyanolumens and Chemilumens. Combining cyanotype chemistry or traditional black and white chemigram techniques and chemistry with the lumen process. Includes using resists, exploring methods of application, and working with common household chemicals. Each participant will then use the methods learned in the first three weeks to create a small series of images for the final class.
Materials needed:
Cyanotype chemistry.
Homemade developer
Coarse salt or photographic fixer
WEEK FOUR: Gentle critique and wrap up. Discussion of preservation and presentation methods.
All prep for these processes can be done in a dim room and exposures will be made using sunlight.
We will meet once weekly for two hours and there will be a Google classroom set up to post work in progress and ask questions between classes.
This workshop is generously sponsored by The Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.
Register for workshop