Introduction to Tintypes
Instructor: CJ Harker
Saturday, January 21
10 am - 5 pm (1 hour lunch break)
Optional Sunday, January 22
12 - 2 pm
In this one-day workshop, participants will learn the fundamentals of creating wet plate collodion images on metal, known as tintypes. They will be introduced to the history of the process and learn to make their own tintypes through hands-on practice using view cameras. The Halide Project will provide all the necessary equipment and materials. If students own their own 4x5 cameras, however, they are welcome to bring them.
Experience with large format photography is beneficial but not necessary.
For those interested in taking a deep dive into the art of varnishing your plates, CJ will be leading a focused, two-hour varnishing workshop on Sunday, January 22nd from 12-2pm
Instructor bio: Born in Trenton, NJ. Came to photography through skateboarding, never want to stop doing either. Graduated from University of The Arts but gravitated to the Craft School education model after spending time at Penland, NC and Peters Valley, NJ. Staff photographer for Skate Jawn magazine, large format portrait photographer, printmaker, educator, craftsman.
This workshop is generously sponsored by The Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.